Shared Living
Woodfords' Shared Living Services provides family and home-based services to adults with intellectual disabilities in Central and Southern Maine who are looking to enhance their independence. A Shared Living provider offers direct supports in their own home, providing a natural family environment and fostering relationships and community inclusion. This program is an alternative to group home living and is funded by Section 21, 29, and private pay.
Service Area
Woodfords’ Shared Living Services contracts shared living providers in York, Cumberland, Androscoggin, Oxford, Sagadahoc, Kennebec, Knox, and Lincoln Counties.
Eligibility & Referrals
Adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities who qualify for Section 21 or 29 services through the Maine Department of Health and Human Services are eligible for these services as an alternative to group home living.
Become a Shared Living Provider
Parents, relatives, or even family friends are able to be Shared Living providers for their loved ones with intellectual disabilities when they reach adulthood. Additionally, Shared Living providers can be paired with a non-related individual with similar interests. Shared Living providers must be able to pass a full background check, be in good mental and physical health, able to complete required trainings, and be willing to work as a member of the program team.