Cornhole Classic Tournament

Woodfords’ annual Cornhole Classic Tournament will be held at the Gorham Sports Center, Gorham, Maine on May 17, 2025. Two-person teams will participate in a round robin leading into a single elimination round. Teams are $60. Play will be managed by Real Wicked Events. Registration opens at 12 p.m. Bean bags fly at 1 p.m.

The Cornhole Classic is a family-friendly event with a children’s activity area, raffles, pizza, beer and snacks. Advance registration recommended. Walk in registration if space permits. The fee for walk in teams is $75.

Benefits of sponsorship can include entry of two-person teams and custom cornhole boards. FMI or to volunteer, email cm*******@wo*******.org. Proceeds benefit Woodfords programs.

Cornhole Classic Registration

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