Congratulations to our employees recently recognized by their programs/departments as Mission Makers! Your dedication to our mission, vision, and values is highlighted through your work everyday!

Meet our August Mission Makers: 

Stanley Beck, Ed Tech, Westbrook SPPS. Stanley was nominated by his peers for constantly going above and beyond to be the best teacher and coworker that he can be. He has grown so much this year as a staff, it feels like he has been here forever. He is always looking out for the students, reaching out to advocate when he feels that they need more support or to share that they have had new successes. Stanley also does a great job seeking consult from providers and his colleagues, looking to learn as much as he can to ensure he is providing highly effective services each and every day. He has worked hard to build genuine relationships and this is so apparent while watching him with his students during the school day. He will be the first one to admit if he made a mistake or had expectations that were too high for something, making sure the kids get the flexibility that they deserve. Stanley brings light and humor to our days and is sure to bring a smile to your face while conversing in the hallways. He goes out of his way to make everyone feel heard and valued. All of us are so lucky to have him, kids and staff alike!! Thank you Stanley, for all that you do.

Noelle Cote, Assistant Lead, Waterville SPPS. Noelle’s dedication and commitment to providing a positive and safe environment for our staff and students is commendable. Noelle has taken on some new responsibilities in her role, and has demonstrated strong leadership skills. Her willingness to take on new challenges, be flexible and adaptable at all times, and her excellent communication skills truly helps keep our classroom running like a well-oiled machine!

Katie Cragg, Office Coordinator, Training & Resource Center. Katie regularly encounters our consumers, staff, and members of the public at the reception desk for check pick-ups, meeting check-ins, etc. and always goes above and beyond to help the individuals get what they need. A consumer Katie hadn’t met before recently came in to pick up a check without their ID. Instead of declining the consumer their check, Katie reached out to a number of staff with hopes to find someone onsite who could confirm the identity of the person picking up the check. Staff were able to identify the consumer and the consumer was able to leave with their check. Thank you Katie!

Hayley Eastman, Assistant Lead Teacher, Westbrook ECS. Hayley recently stepped into a new role as an Assistant Lead Teacher in the preschool and is absolutely flourishing. She is just such a positive light and has brought a wonderful energy with her into the program. In this particular transition, Hayley had the special opportunity to step right in and take on running the classroom while her Lead Teacher was on an extended vacation. Without hesitation, she dove head first into supporting both the students and the staff. She is such a friendly and approachable person, she works so hard to do what is best for everyone around her. She asks great questions and clearly has a passion for furthering her own education in order to do the very best job that she can. Her growth during her time here at Woodfords has truly been outstanding and we are so happy to see her in this new leadership role, spreading smiles and positivity as she goes about her day. She has a calm energy about her that is contagious and she is able to connect with students of every different level. She embodies the mission of our school and we are so grateful to have her. Thank you for all that you do, Hayley! Congratulations!

Liz Saucier, Assistant Site Coordinator, Expeditions. Liz has been an instrumental member of the Kennebunk Expeditions team as this site has rebuilt its team. Liz’s presence has helped the program enhance daily experiences for consumers which results in increased satisfaction with services. Feedback from consumers and guardians are positive on the supports received and the energy brought to service delivery.

Sonya Saucier, Residential Coordinator. Sonya’s investment in enriching the experiences of the consumers under her care at our Saco residence is exceptional. Sonya strives to support her team in a manner that keeps the environment feeling like home. Her willingness to initiate the extra effort with her team, go beyond for consumer engagement and experiences, and be a all around great team member in the Residential Program reflects her investment in WFS Mission and Values.

Bill Thibodeau, Program Manager, Shared Living. Bill’s work supporting the Shared Living Coordinators in their oversight responsibilities to providers has been wonderful. His approach to model for team members and support in troubleshooting areas of needs is well received. His investment in the quality of services delivered by the team to enhance WFS’s reputation reflects his dedication to his role and the WFS mission.